“This book tells you all you need to know about how to get on.” The Times
“Relatively few books have been written with assistant solicitors in mind, about how to succeed at the business of being a lawyer… fewer still have devised a programme for so doing that runs alongside a book. This book does both.”Law Society (The Law Management Section)
5 star rating HR Magazine
Juggling the Big 3 for Lawyers is “…[a] thorough and easily readable professional manual…Any businessperson would do well to have a copy…the book’s premise could hardly be more timely.”
Richard Brent, editor of Managing Partner, commends my new book Juggling the Big 3 as a “comprehensive guide” to the steps lawyers need to take if they want to successfully attain partnership. He acknowledges that the author (me!) has “been there” and done it, and that her own story is “persuasive”.
While the lesson of Juggling the Big 3 might be “daunting” (being a successful lawyer does not equate to being a successful partner), Richard says that the book’s “handy tips, amusing anecdotes and entertaining illustrations” lighten the load and its message “could prove pretty essential…for those…with stars in their eyes.”
Read Richard's full review here.
Posted on 28/09/2009