“This book tells you all you need to know about how to get on.” The Times
“Relatively few books have been written with assistant solicitors in mind, about how to succeed at the business of being a lawyer… fewer still have devised a programme for so doing that runs alongside a book. This book does both.”Law Society (The Law Management Section)
5 star rating HR Magazine
In one of my December posts, I suggested that the holidays were a good time to network. With the holidays now over, especially if you didn’t use that time as a networking opportunity, I urge you to begin the new year with a networking goal. With this in mind, I’m going to use this month’s blog posts to give you a few networking tips. My first tip is this: commit to the success of others.
An effective network is contingent on the success of each person within the group. As other individuals in your circle become more successful, they not only extend their power and influence, but also their chances of being able to help you. . . In short, by boosting the careers of others, you probably increase the likelihood of gaining your own rewards. (This is what I call the Elevator Mission: Lift people up emotionally and they will in return appreciate you. Well, it’s also important to lift people up professionally—they will probably lift you up in return).
Posted on 03/01/2011