“This book tells you all you need to know about how to get on.” The Times
“Relatively few books have been written with assistant solicitors in mind, about how to succeed at the business of being a lawyer… fewer still have devised a programme for so doing that runs alongside a book. This book does both.”Law Society (The Law Management Section)
5 star rating HR Magazine
Obviously the first prerequisite for building a successful legal practice is to do good work and work hard for your clients. But, unfortunately, that’s not enough. And I still come across many young lawyers who just don’t understand this… Only yesterday, during a training course, several lawyers admitted that some of my information seemed a hard pill to swallow.
But, as with strong medicine, it’s only for your own benefit. Therefore, as an associate, beyond doing the requisite level of good work, here’s three basic things you must do (as a minimum!):
Posted on 25/11/2010
The other day I was helping a young lawyer with her search for a job after she was made redundant in a large City firm. As we reviewed her resume, I quickly realised that she was trying to sell herself as a "jack-of-all trades". Now this approach, especially in today’s economy, may feel like the safest route - an attempt to avoid missing out on any opportunity. But as I explained to this young lawyer, trying to be all things to all people can actually hurt you.
Posted on 21/10/2009
Since its launch in September Juggling the Big 3 for Lawyers remains the #1 legal career book on To date book reviews have been overwhelmingly positive. Juggling the Big 3 is for aspiring young lawyers and students who want to get ahead and prepare themselves for a successful career, as well as new partners struggling with the stress of client development and managing themselves as leaders. It is also quickly becoming the handbook for learning and development training and HR managers.
Posted on 15/10/2009